“NLP Master Practitioner Training” is an advanced NLP practitioner training. In this second phase of the NLP training process, participants are introduced to advanced NLP techniques and practices for the use of NLP in other professional or private areas.


NLP is a positive system of thinking in itself. Some people live their lives by hooking up to bad events in the past; others live an unhappy life with the concerns of the future. NLP is a science that teaches people to focus on the present and to plan the future by taking lessons from the past. With NLP’s history-cleaning techniques, people can avoid the impact of past bad events and look forward to the future by identifying a mission and vision with goal-setting techniques. In this way, they have the chance to live their daily lives more positively.

For this reason, NLP examines the thoughts that shape one’s behavior and enables people to display the right ways of thinking and behaviors that will help them to take advantage of the situations they face. The behaviors used by the individual in communicating with his / her environment affecting his / her life are determined by the thought structure that he / she has in the first place. For this reason, NLP techniques show that developing the correct behavior should change the person’s thoughts first. NLP training programs help the individual to develop his / her own thinking structure as well as to provide an understanding and understanding of his / her thoughts by understanding the person more easily.

In summary, understanding and implementing NLP will be helpful for you:

  • To be able to create logical, precise, achievable, well-detailed targets,
  • To be able to show high performance in business and private life by increasing motivation power,
  • Develop more professional marketing strategies by developing psychological marketing skills
  • To be able to produce fast and constructive solutions to problems by increasing the power of thinking and decision making,
  • To be able to communicate in a harmonious, impressive and strategic manner and to have a strong persuasion ability,
  • To be able to use their time more efficiently and to achieve more efficient results in a short time,
  • Ability to change unwanted behavior, control emotions and gain new habits and abilities,
  • To be able to use stress energy positively and think positively under stress,
  • To know people and yourself better, to be able to establish advanced hypnotic communication according to human psychology,
  • To be able to apply effective management strategies by improving personal and social leadership skills,
  • Provides support to improve family relations in order to be more successful in business life.
  • Establishing personal relationships
  • Development of your persuasion ability
  • Having positive mental thinking
  • Increased self-esteem
  • Overcoming your past negative experiences
  • Be able to focus on your goals and channel your energy to perform them
  • Make the best you can
  • To control the way you feel
  • Keeping your beliefs and values ​​in parallel with the things you want to accomplish
  • Change your unwanted behavior
  • Whatever you want to do, rely on yourself Dare to realize your ideals that you think are impossible before
  • Good dialogue with your employees, customers and colleagues
  • Finding creative solutions to solve problems Enjoying activities you’ve previously feared
  • Use your time more effectively Improve the sense of purpose in your life
  • Gain the skills you admire in other people
  • Get more pleasure from life.